Last summer, my wife, the lover of all things carbohydrate, decided to go LOW CARB. I supported her, and thought to myself, there was no way she would stick with it. Well, she did. She did BIG TIME! All 5' 1" of her stuck with it to the tune of loosing 30lbs. Yeah, WOW! She still eats low carb, but allows herself to enjoy a treat now and then. She regrets it if she goes overboard though. For example, a whole piece of B-day cake will giver her a bad gut ache. So she limits it to some, but not a lot.
My turn.
I'm on the bandwagon, and after about 3 months, I'm down 20lbs. I have realized that this type of "diet" is really the way to eat. I don't have energy spikes or lulls. I used to have them very badly. The term "hangry" was invented by someone like me. No longer that guy, I'm enjoying the challenge of eating <20g carbs per day. I've sorta plateaued with my weight, due to eating too many calories. BUT, I feel good, and spring/summer is coming. I'm putting together my back to triathlon plan. The swim/bike/run will most likely spike a really nice fat loss situation. That, and Gravel Worlds 2017 is my "A race" for the summer. 150mi of hilly gravel to shoot for. Totally doable. Last year I made it 101mi and felt great. If I can get this Ketogenic endurance thing to work for me, I'll be good to go. Lighter and needing little fuel (instead of constant carbs), will be really cool!
It's going to be a real challenge this summer. Getting in all the workouts, with a busy wife and two little kids at home.
Initial plans:
Running (with the dog) - PM.
Swimming @ YMCA (while the kids are in "child watch") - daytime.
Cycling - Trainer rides & long rides on weekends.
Then there is weights with my personal trainer... A small gym that is ultra convenient when my little one is in preschool, but the opposite when the kids are on vacation. This might have to go early mornings before/after a quick hard ride to/from said gym. It's only a mile from my house, but I can take a long route on bike paths to make it a 9mi pre-weights ride.
Seems daunting when I put it all on a calendar. I need to keep in mind, I've done this before while working a full time physical job. I CAN DO THIS! Just take it one day, and one workout at a time.
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