Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Let there be flowers..... PLEASE!

"Training" is going ok. I've been pretty good about sticking to my schedule, other than sick kids and snow storms throwing things off a bit. I need to get a little more running and biking in, but that will remedy itself once spring gets here. I'm really looking forward to morning walks/runs with a dog, and bicycle trips to the park with the kids. I can't wait to see green grass and flowers!

Hopefully the last dog we met, Ralphie, will be ours soon. We like him, and are just waiting on the rescue group volunteers to give us the OK to adopt. It's beyond frustrating!

Odin's Revenge?
I need to double check with my wife, but I am hoping to send a postcard tomorrow for registration of the "short course" ride. It will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 90mi of gravel in the hills of South Western Nebraska. Yes, there are hills out there. Pretty big ones! My cousin said he sent his in today... I'd better get going! The registration is capped at 50 for the short course and 100 for the long. I won't be ready for the long course by June. It's 180mi!!!  I'm not sure I will be ready for 90mi either, but what the heck. ;)

It's currently 12°F outside. My son is getting pretty stir crazy being inside most of the last couple weeks. Last night he kept asking me if we could go for a walk. It was about the same temp then, and the sun was setting. Spring needs to get here ASAP! 
