Monday, July 27, 2015


If you haven't seen any of the 30 for 30 documentaries, pick one and watch it! All of them are really good.

Yesterday, I skipped the bike trainer due to being exhausted from two nights of crappy sleep with my son kicking me most of the night during thunderstorms. He's nervous about storms. I was going to nap, but started looking though Netflix and saw the 30 for 30: You Don't Know Bo. If you are in your mid 30's or older, you should watch it! Bo was THE MAN! Short lived professional career, due to an injury, but he truly was an amazing athlete.

This actually got me excited for off season cross training. Nike had Bo as the main marketing guy for their new cross trainers. This is where the whole "Bo Know's" thing came from. I think it was Nike's best campaign ever. Who doesn't remember those commercials? Every kid had a Bo Know's poster on his wall. Great stuff!

This reminded me how I had gotten myself in great shape in 2009-2010. P90X. That's a great program, but I've ended up injured every time I've done it. My right elbow is messed up from it. I will most likely use portions of it when I can't get to the gym. One thing I do know I want to incorporate is the winter cycling program on I've wanted to do that for years, and always forget about it until it's nearly spring. I've got trainerroad too, and it's a great tool! I may use a program of theirs instead, before or after.

I'm thinking of this really early. It's mostly due to the fact that I've been busting my butt doing triathlon training, and not seeing the type of change I want. Same thing happened back in 2008 and 2009. I thought all the swimming, biking and running would get me lean. Nope. It'll make you feel great. It'll give you an aerobic base that the gym rat's don't have. The only problems is, it doesn't build muscle like resistance training. Build muscle to burn fat OFF of your body, and keep it off. Keep up with the cycling, so that spring is a building phase instead of a base phase. Running? Swimming? I'll probably run and swim enough to keep things interesting. Swimming has always been a really nice way to have some active recovery. No impact, good aerobic and flexibility work, to break up the usual routines.

But before all of this can happen, I need to get through the State Games of America Triathlon, Gravel Worlds and maybe the Good Life Halfsy.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Trolling the internet.

Whenever I read an article on the internet, I scroll down to the comments and forget half of what I just read. There are just so many buttheads with negative opinions these days.

I just read a new entry of a long term test of two motorcycles. The KTM 1190R and BMW GS ADV. Both great bikes. I should know. I own the KTM, and my good friend owns the BMW. They are at the top of the pile of adventure touring motorcycles, with very little to nitpick about. The article basically echoes the same. GS is a better mount for long highway miles, and the KTM has the edge once off the pavement.

Then you read the comments, and every idiot with a keyboard and a negative attitude is tearing apart bikes they've never owned, or ridden. Gimmie a freakin' break! Too heavy. Too expensive. Too fragile. Too tall. Only for geezers in the midst of a midlife crisis. LOL!!!!

Try to be more positive folks. If everyone would start their comments with something nice to say about the article, the internet world would be a much better place.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Family trip, two weeks til...

Two weeks until my Tri. OH SHIT!

More or less, I'm ready. Running is lack luster. Biking is ok, but I don't feel fast. Swimming should be good. It's always good. Well, except for the OWS at my Uncle's cabin last weekend.

Let's back up.

My wife finally took a week off (she works way too hard!!!), and we loaded up the kids and headed North. My Aunt and Uncle live in Minneapolis, as well as my (step)Sister and her wife. My Aunt and Uncle also have a cabin near Hayward, WI.

Traveling with a 4 and 2yr old can be a real challenge. My son (4), is pretty awesome at traveling now. Watch a movie. Play a game. Take a nap. Have a snack. Pee in the ditch of the interstate on ramp. Pretty normal stuff. The PRINCESS (2), is another story. She has been all up in the terrible two's for a couple months, with no sign of backing off. Tell her not to do something, and you can bet she'll look right at you as she does it. Lot's of "time-outs" these days. The trip up wasn't too bad. We broke it into thee, three hour segments. Three hours, Lunch. Three hours, hotel near Mall of America. Next day, Three hours to cabin. The trip home was tough. 9hrs with as little stopping as possible, since we had to get home in time to spring our dog from the kennel. That darn 2yr old was screaming about nothing for about 4hrs of the 9 we were in the car. She slept MAYBE an hour. It was not fun.

They loved the Mall of America. Basically we spent most of the time in the amusement part called Nickelodeon Universe. The kids went on several rides, and I even went with my son on the Orange Streak (roller coaster) at his request. He handled it better than I did... LOL!!! I don't like coasters.
Petting stingrays in the aquarium, having dinner with my Sis and getting new Croc's were some of the other highlights.

At the Cabin, we went for a boat ride, Did some stand up paddle boarding (with and without the kids sitting on the board), and spent lots of time jumping off the dock and looking for snails and clams. Campfire S'mores, Lumberjack show, star gazing, and listening to the Loon's call were all great experiences for the kids (and adults).

I wen't mountain biking with my Uncle on two of the days. The CAMBA (Chequamegon Area Mountain Bike Assoc.) trails are pretty great! Most of it is pretty easy, with some short climbs and descents that keep it interesting. I would be up there every weekend if I lived within 3hrs. :D

Now that we are home, I have to get focused on the Sprint Triathlon that is looming just 10 days away. I could get all negative about how I'm not under 220lbs and my running has been lackluster. Or that I've only been on my road bike (set up for tri's) outside ONCE. All other rides have been on the trainer, or a different bike (All-City Macho Man Disc!!). Or that I suddenly don't like swimming as much, after getting SEA SICK on a short Open Water Swim at the cabin... WHAT THE CRAP?!?

I won't go all negative though. I'm a positive kinda guy.

I've lost weight. 20lbs since January 1. :D  I feel 1000 times better than last year at this time. I can run. I am pretty sure I'll even be well under 30min for the 5k in the tri. I've built up a nice bike base, that was fairly evident after both 1.5hr mountain bike rides in Wisconsin. The same trails that I rode one year ago, and felt absolutely horrible after. This time, I was bummed we didn't have time to ride longer!!  Today's pool swim (with ear plugs) was good. I swam a 500 with no warm-up for race simulation, and was just over 8:00. If I can go just a touch faster at the tri, with a decent bike split and smooth transitions, I just MIGHT beat my previous time at the same event way back in 2009.
Those times:
Swim: 17:04 (there is a 100yd run from the water to the timing mat. and it was supposed to be 1000yd swim that year. I think it was 750ish? This year it's labeled as 500m swim.)
T1: 0:56
Bike: 38:40
T2: 1:07
Run: 27:21

Total TIme: 1:25:05

I remember feeling very similar back then. I was not nearly as good at swimming, but biking was stronger. I also remember telling myself that I just had to run the entire run. No walking. I don't recall if I walked some of the hill that goes up the dam, right at the turnaround, or if I gutted it out. I know for sure that I will be able to gut it out this time. Of coarse I have some strategies rolling through my head, but I usually end up just going at about 90% the whole time, with my inner voice chanting "don't blow up, don't blow up"...."push a little harder"....."easy dude, don't blow up".....  If only I could have headphones on with some crazy Dubstep going.

I can't tell you how excited I am that my kids will be there to see me doing it!! Even though they are really young, I think it will start their understanding that anyone can do anything they want to. Just set the goal, and work towards it. That, and it'll make "daddy" look even more super man like. You know how kids brains work ;)

Final note.
I'm really excited to be back doing a triathlon. Scheduling wise, this may be the only one I do this whole year. I'm going to try and do a couple more next year, one of which may be a 70.3 with my little sister. She agreed to it, so we'll see. :D