Monday, December 8, 2014

New Year....resolutions?

As the close of 2014 is just around the corner, I think about what I would like to accomplish in 2015. As I posted earlier, getting back to triathlons is a big one. Does this make it a "new years resolution"? I've always said that I don't do the resolution thing. I think back to the time of year that I usually start doing something better for myself, and it's almost always in the late fall or early winter. I've never joined a gym in January. I've never threw out all my junk food the first week of the year. When I quit smoking, all those years ago, it was in the spring. The thing is, I know they are still "resolutions", and they don't need to start January 1. Do it. NOW!

December 8th Resolution? Why not? Mine was November 25th this year. I made a plan, and started a few days later. GO. Start something right freakin' now!!!! It's as simple as recognizing a goal, and making a plan. Let it sink in a day or two if you need to. Just make sure you set a date to actually DO something, and do it that day.

I listen to Zen and the Art of Triathlon podcast. One day, Brett talked about happiness vs feeling good. To sum it up, true happiness is the pursuit of a goal. You think that eating a big piece of triple chocolate cake (or whatever) makes you happy, but a while after eating it, you feel the exact opposite of "happy". It is a momentary GOOD FEELING, that fades quickly to a varying degree of depression. This insight came at the perfect time for me. I was on my third workout of the couch to 5k plan. I was actually feeling pretty darn good, and this made me realize why I missed triathlons so much. I set a goal, late in the year, that will have me planning and scheduling workouts for months. All for a few hours on a summer morning. Talk about a long term pursuit of a goal! It really doesn't fell like happiness right away though. You need to plan a little, with a goal, and start doing the work. No matter how hard or unobtainable it feels on any given day, you are still thinking about what's coming next, and what's at the end.

Now, go make that resolution.




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