Monday, December 1, 2014

Brewing and Motorcycles

Do these things really go along with being a Father, and a Triathlete?
Yes. In my world they do.

Let's start off with the more tame of the two topics.

If you like beer, you get it. It's just something that's enjoyable. To some, it goes way too far. I'm not talking about alcoholics either. Homebrewers are crazy about the stuff. You start trying different styles from different breweries, and then one day, someone you know hand you a beer and says "try this homebrew". If it's a good one, you realize that you to could make your own beer. For me, I wanted to brew beer for quite a while before I did. We just didn't have the room in our old house (or so I thought), and I was busy doing other things with my free time. Once we moved into our new(much bigger) house, and I wasn't working full time, I decided to try it out. I got a starter kit for a touch over $100, and brewed my first batch. It was a Pale Ale extract kit from Brewer's Best. Luckily, I had brewed a second batch before that one was ready, because that kit was pretty awful. The second batch, a Vanilla Stout, turned out very good. I was hooked.
In the future, I will share some of my recipes and projects.

Now, let's get controversial.


If you don't ride, it's hard to explain the allure of it. I've heard it explained well a few times, but really, it's just something that if you love it, you can't imagine not doing it. I fully understand the risks involved. I try very hard to mitigate the risk, and protect myself from serious injury. I've read "The Hurt Report" This is what I've based my personal riding guidelines on. Read through it if you want, but here is what I do to over simplify it.
GEAR (Always wear a minimum of Helmet, Jacket, Gloves, Boots and Pants. No bare skin.)
TIME (Limit riding at night as much as possible. I rarely ride after dark.)
DRINKING (Never drink and ride. EVER. Period.)
BEHAVIOR (If I "want" to go ride, but I don't have my head in it, I don't ride.)

A lot of people think it's irresponsible to participate in this dangerous hobby once you have a family. I disagree to a certain point. If you are not responsible enough to take precautions, and ride safely, then yes, you should not be riding. For example, if you think going on a poker run, having a beer or two at every stop, and riding without a helmet is a good time, maybe you should re-evaluate your priorities. The likelihood of serious injury or death is so greatly increased when you compound risky behaviors with impairment and lack of protection, it's just idiotic.

So next time you see someone on a motorcycle, with gear from head to tow, with hi-viz and riding responsibly, give them a wave. It might just be me.


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